
summer update

Here's the dirty truth about my summer bucket list so far:  

I missed fiddlehead season--by a long shot.  Eating fiddleheads, as it turns out, should have been on my May to-do list.  Now that I know, you can count on me to be first in line at Wilson Farms next year (not that people wait in line for that sort of thing--but they should).

The summer walks haven't been happening.  With a few exceptions, the temperature has been hovering in the 90s for far too long.  Over the holiday weekend, Harper and I attempted a leisurely early morning walk, and we (me) basically had to crawl home and dip our (my) feet in a cold bath (hers).  Definitely NOT the ethereal summer exercise I had envisioned.  

I have gone to yoga all of one time.  In fairness to me, Harper and I were away this past weekend--but still.  I am pathetic.  Or maybe I just need some new Lulu gear to motivate me???

On the upside, I am happy to report that I haven't been letting summer pass me by and have been trying to embrace a more DIY spirit this summer to really enjoy the little things...

Pesto caprese

Okay, so I missed out on fiddleheads, but there is so much amazing produce to be enjoyed in New England during the summer that the consolation is huge.  Caprese has always been a favorite of mine, and I've had fun putting my own spin on it.  Since Dallin rather loathes tomatoes, when our friend, Rachel, came for Sunday dinner last weekend, I was excited for the chance to share my most recent caprese experiment, made with these incredible yellow tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and arugula lemon pesto (added bonus: the pesto was homemade by my friend, Talyn). You'll have to ask Rachel for a more objective report, but I was in love.

As I said, I've been trying to be more DIY lately, and this extends to the fashion/beauty realm.  This is in part a budget-driven endeavor, but it also feels good to accomplish something special on my own.  And given all the time I spend on Pinterest while we are watching TV in the evening, there's really no reason not to try some of my (p)inspirations.  Today's DIY attempt: watermelon nails.  Well, a watermelon deconstruction is perhaps a more accurate description, comprised of: Chanel's May, Maybelline's Green With Envy, and a pinch of pink fabric glitter.  While they may not be professional, they're totally fun and easy.  Which is also important.

Watermelon nails

Last week, my friend, Aimee, and I also began making friendship bracelets a la Martha Stewart.  I know I was bragging last month about how I used to make these all the time during my tween years, but as it turns out, it's not exactly like riding a bike.  Aimee and I both opted for the chevron "V" design; I have restarted my bracelet at least twice, and I think we also had to watch one YouTube video to help our technique.  Other things Martha didn't tell us: neon thread and metallic thread are really difficult, if not totally impossible, to work with.  That being said, fab company, plus ice cream from one of my favorite local spots and an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County was totally morale-boosting, and we will NOT give up until our bracelets look like they belong in Martha Stewart Living.  That is a promise.

To return to my summer bucket list, a little less than one month later, here's where I stand:
-Reread The Great Gatsby (my favorite summer book) 
-Finally complete Harper's baby book (she is going on 2, after all)
-Make s'mores around an outdoor fire
-Redo my bedroom decor
-Explore a New England beach I haven't been to before
-Finally have a picnic with my amazing cousin before she moves 
-Go for long summer walks (a favorite pastime)
-Do more yoga
-Eat fiddleheads while they're in season
-Plan my perfect 30th birthday in the absence of Chanel (tick tock!)

 Let's just say that I'm glad this is not school and that I will not be receiving a progress report.  Fortunately, summer is far from over, and so I will be so bold as to put it in writing that by, the time we turn our calendars to August (yes, I still have a real paper calendar hanging on the kitchen wall), at least three more items will be crossed off--and not because they are impossible to accomplish due to poor planning.  So stay tuned--and stay cool!

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