
Angry Music, Vampires, & New England--Oh My! An Ode to Black

Lately, I'm all about black. Black clothes are pretty much my uniform at work, black nails have become a part of my identity, a light smokey eye has taken over my cosmetic repertoire, and even my hair is black now. I love black for being simultaneously functional, chic, and totally classic.

So what's the deal? Have I gone emo? Am I a bit too obsessed with vampires? Maybe there's a little too much angry music on my iPod? My mother will tell you it's New England. When she and my Daddy moved back to Boston after living in LA for years, she said that her technicolor sunny California wardrobe stood out like a sore thumb against the black and grey New England background. So maybe that's it--maybe I'm a little too New England...

Whatever the reason, black is the new black--at least for me. So as an ode to the color I so dearly love and obsess over, I thought I would share some of my favorite black possessions with you. Some are old, some are new--but none are borrowed and NONE are blue!

Black Tee. Okay, let's rewind to the part about how I might be a little too obsessed with vampires: it's true. But can we also talk about what an amaaazing husband I have, considering that he purchased this tee for me, despite my competing affections for the fictitious and fiercely handsome pale face? Is it so wrong to love them equally?

Black Nails. French manicures are soooo last year! Like a little black dress (LBD!), black nails are classic. Whether you opt for Chimney Sweep or Black Satin, rest assured that your nails will work for day or night, work or play. Just make sure you keep your nails short and square; we don't need to get all creature from the black lagoon or anything.

Black Jeans. My office has a no denim rule. I know, right?--so unfair! The kicker is that my jeans are some of the nicest things I own! Yet, I have found that it's possible to bend the rules with black jeans, and my pair of black Joe's Jeans with their tasteful cigarette leg is my favorite way to go. Am I going to get totally nailed by putting this confession on the internet? Likely. But for the sake of you fashionistas living in a no-denim-by-day world out there, I'll take the hit.

Black Shoes. I received my first pair of Chucks as a child, but we were reacquainted during college when a friend gave me a pair (adult-sized this time) for my birthday--and it's been a love affair ever since. Unlike Kristen Stewart, I never wear them with a party dress--nor do I wear them to work (some rules can neither be bent nor broken). But every other time and place is fair game. Like most black apparel, they are comfortable, classic, and fabulous.

Black Hoodie. Sometimes a fashionista just wants to be cozy (hello, lolly.brand!), and nothing is more cozy than a hoodie. For years now, my black hoodie and I have been inseparable. Granted, my "black hoodie" is more like a series of different black hoodies that have been used, abused, and worn out. My new favorite brand for cozy-cozies is Alternative Apparel (not to be confused with American Apparel), AND if you're loving this fabulous Rocky style hoodie, then just wait until it has the skater graphic from brand.L by lolly.brand on it!* Coming soon...

Painting my nails in preparation for a friend's Christmas party a couple of weeks ago, my adorable husband remarked that black wasn't exactly the most festive choice. Nonetheless, it certainly looked fierce with my black and gold Yansi Fugel dress! What can I say? I guess I'm just happy being a black sheep--and loving angry music, vampires, and New England (obvi).

See you next year, dearest fashionista friends! I'll be the one wearing black...


*Obviously, I'm ALL about shameless self-promotion, so let me just add this: brand.L skater hoodies will be available in January 2010--yay! Stay tuned at www.lollybrand.net for exclusive details. Plus, lolly.brand is now on Facebook; join the group by clicking here!

Images, in order of appearance: (1) Gashly Crumb Tinies drawing by Edward Gorey, image thanks to http://www.mentalfloss.com; (2) Team Edward Crew $24 from Urban Outfitters, online at www.urbanoutfitters.com; (3) Black Satin Nail Polish by Chanel, photo from www.fashionista.com; (4) Cigarette Leg Jeans in black by Joe's Jeans $165, available at Shopbop (www.shopbop.com); (5) Converse sneakers in black, photo thanks to Star Style Inc. (www.starstyleinc.com); (6) Rocky Zip Up Fleece Hoodie in eco black by Alternative Apparel, photo thanks to Alternative Apparel (http://www.alternativeapparel.com/).

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